Virtual Lung Function Self-Assessment

Meet the Team

Shahnaz Miri, MD, MBA

Dr. Shahnaz Miri is a neurologist and Movement Disorder Fellow at Georgetown University Medical Center.

Fernando Pagan, MD

Dr. Pagan serves as Vice Chairman, Department of Neurology and Director, Movement Disorders Program Medical Director at Georgetown University Hospital

Yasar Yaghi, MD

Dr. Yasar Yaghi is a neurologist and Director of the Parkinsonism and Dementia Clinic at Georgetown Unversity Hospital.

Sanjeev Khudanpur, PhD

PHD and Associate professor at John Hopkins specializing in application of information theoretic methods to human language technologies, speech recognition, translation and language processing.

Jintao Jiang, PhD

Dr. Jintao Jiang has over 20 years of experience in the area of human language technologies, focusing on speech and audio processing, statistics, and Machine Learning.

Jan "Yenda" Trmal, PhD

PhD from the University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic. Former Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Research Scientist at CLSP. Current Associate Research Scientist with CLSP.

Mazda Ebrahimi, MS Eng

Mazda is a Senior Software Engineer with over twenty five years of experience in IT, Telecommunications and Business Development.

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